3 Years of ODC
June 28, 2024 marks the third year for ODC. In some ways, the time has gone incredibly quickly. In other ways, it feels like our work just started. It’s crazy to think that an idea hatched in phone calls with mom during COVID is now almost old enough to be a college senior. Thanks, Colby Campbell for the HOURS of conversation that gave ODC its initial shape and purpose. Thanks for the heavy lifting in getting the website up and going and for the first batch of photos and video that made ODC real. As ODC has grown, Hannah Amann has made me look far more professional than we all know I am. Her patience with my technological ineptitude is legendary. Hannah’s ability to find a shred of value in my crazy ideas has rescued me on many occasions. Her creativity and commitment to ODC have kept us afloat far more than she’d ever take credit for.
There is still work to do in the area of creating belonging. While I appreciate people like Greg Troemel, Mercy Davison, and Angell Howard who have created space for important discussions of social change, identity, and belonging, I am constantly reminded of the work that still needs to be done. Belonging is one of the most powerful; feelings in the world and I am still passionate about giving everyone opportunities to feel like they belong.
When I started ODC, I expected to primarily connect with folks in higher education. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the conversations we’ve been able to have with local governments and community agencies. So if you are in a community that you think would benefit from considering whether everyone feels like they belong, let me know! Check out www.opendoors.consulting for more information and a free consultation. Special shout out to Fort Collins, Larimer County, and the Northern Colorado area folks!
Open Doors is starting a new chapter at the base of the Rocky Mountains. I don’t know what year four will hold, but I continue to be inspired by, and thankful for, the opportunities I have to do this work. Conversations about what it means to belong, and taking steps to create belonging-centered spaces have never been more important. Thanks for coming on this journey with me!