Greetings from Colorado’s Front Range!
Greetings from Colorado’s Front Range! Since Fort Collins is my new home that means it is also the home of Open Doors Consulting (ODC). We’ve had a slow few months as I’ve acclimated to my new, slightly hillier, home. However, we are back and ready to connect in the community.

3 Years of ODC
June 28, 2024 marks the third year for ODC. In some ways, the time has gone incredibly quickly. In other ways, it feels like our work just started. It’s crazy to think that an idea hatched in phone calls with mom during COVID is now almost old enough to be a college senior.

Action in April
April was a busy month for ODC. In the span of one week, I had the chance to work with three great groups. The week started with a group of student affairs colleagues at Illinois State University (ISU) going through the Redbird Edge program. They were energetic, thoughtful…

Becoming a Regina Regal
This time of year always causes me to think about the time I remember truly belonging to a group. While it certainly happened to varying degrees before, February 2000 was the first time I really remember feeling like I mattered and belonged. I was a freshman wheelchair racer, the only one, on the Regina High School track team…

Welcome to January
It feels odd saying welcome to January, forgive me if I don’t find ice, snow and subzero temperatures all that welcoming. Nonetheless, here we are in the land of fresh starts, resolutions for change, opportunities to grow and move in new directions where we see chances to improve.

First ODC Workshop
Recently I completed my first official ODC Consulting Workshop…IE: I didn’t know my audience in advance, didn’t have to call in a favor to get in the door, AND I got paid. I was nervous, but it was fun. Shout out to Greg Troemel and town staff here in Normal, Illinois…

Me? A Blogger?
Had you asked me at most any point in my life if I’d be a blogger, the answer would have been a resounding “NO!” However, in an effort to continue building Open Doors Consulting LLC (ODC), here we are.